
Schedule of payments — valid from October 1, 2021

In addi­tion to the already favor­able rates, our cus­tomer-friend­ly tar­iff sched­ule also includes some advan­tages which are par­tic­u­lar­ly ben­e­fi­cial to the fre­quent flyers.

Old­timers — air­craft reg­is­tered before 1945 — pay only 50% of the land­ing charge.

There are gen­er­ous dis­counts for school and intro­duc­to­ry flights.

At the begin­ning of each new year fre­quent fly­ers will receive attrac­tive refunds for the past year when they par­tic­i­pate in the dis­count­ing sys­tem for land­ings and/or fuel consumption.